Recruitment and Retention Strategies for PCORnet Studies: Learnings from INSIGHT CRN

Effective recruitment and retention strategies that are adaptable to the patient population and changing macro-environment are essential to the success of clinical research studies. INSIGHT CRN’s “Recruitment and Retention Strategies for PCORnet Studies” guide offers the most effective strategies we have used to date.

Access the guide here.

Engagement Guidance & Resources for Patient-Centered “Data-Only” Studies

Patient-centered studies require a rightsized stakeholder engagement plan. The STAR CRN provides engagement guidance and resources for data-only studies such as observational, retrospective data abstractions that use EHR data from the sites participating in the STAR CRN. This can include electronic health record data from the STAR CRN Common Data Model (CDM), or from other electronic health record data sources that are being accessed as part of a STAR engaged project.

Access the engagement guide here.

GPC Reusable Observable Study Environment (GROUSE)

GPC Reusable Observable Study Environment (GROUSE): GROUSE is a Greater Plains Collaborative (GPC) project (as well as name of the data enclave) to obtain health insurance claims from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services through the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC). GPC currently have 2011-2017 Medicare data and 2011-2012 Medicaid data from 9 states in the GPC.

Access GPC’s GROUSE here.

Patient and Stakeholder Engagement Policy

The Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) Clinical Research Network (CRN) has developed a comprehensive Engagement Policy to advance the mission of PCORI to meaningfully engage patient and other stakeholders in the research process. This document can serve as guidance for stakeholders interested in patient-centered research.

Access the Engagement Policy here.

Ready, Set, Go! Guidelines and Tips For Collecting Patient Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

This guide can be used to help successfully collect sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data and document the data into the electronic health record (EHR). If you already have a system, but have encountered challenges and questions, this guide can help you address them. Even if your system is working smoothly, you will find resources and recommendations here that will help you move to the next level of data collection and analysis.

Access the guide here.

Scholars Program Processes and Procedures

The PaTH Scholars Program was established to help researchers gain the skills and confidence needed to lead and participate in multi-site “real-world evidence” studies by mentoring and engaging scholars through hands-on participation alongside experienced PaTH researchers. This resource may be adapted by others wanting to create similar programs.

Access the program resource here.

Rapid and Collaborative Response to COVID-19

Researchers responded rapidly and collaboratively to answer COVID-19 questions by using PCORnet resources including a flexible coordinating center, the PCORnet® Common Data Model, research-ready networks, and existing research studies that pivoted quickly. Researchers can use this resource to demonstrate how the resources of PCORnet can be used for studies that require fast answers.

Access the resource here.

How Common are New Symptoms and Conditions After COVID-19? Results from PCORnet

Summary of the CDC’s research on symptoms experienced more than 4 weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Researchers studied data from electronic health records of 1.8 million adults and 300,000 children from 42 PCORnet network partners.

Access the “Long COVID” Research Summary.

Data Science Analyst Training

The PEDSnet Data Science Analyst course provides training on the structure and use of the PEDSnet CDM for research and approaches to study-specific data quality assessment.

Access the Data Science Analyst course.

Research Ready Training Resources for Staff Engagement

Clinical staff seeking to improve engagement in clinic-based research studies and increase their knowledge of basic research principles can use these training materials and best practices for implementing studies in clinical settings and communicating with clinical support staff. Content and format for the resources were informed by both clinic staff and research team members who conduct studies in clinical settings.

Access the resources here.