Engagement Guidance & Resources for Patient-Centered “Data-Only” Studies

Patient-centered studies require a rightsized stakeholder engagement plan. The STAR CRN provides engagement guidance and resources for data-only studies such as observational, retrospective data abstractions that use EHR data from the sites participating in the STAR CRN. This can include electronic health record data from the STAR CRN Common Data Model (CDM), or from other electronic health record data sources that are being accessed as part of a STAR engaged project.

Access the engagement guide here.

STAR Patient Centeredness of Research Scale

This webinar features the STAR Clinical Research Network (CRN) and their Person Centeredness of Research Scale (PCoR Scale), a seven-item scale that uses 5-point Likert ratings to assess the extent of person-centeredness of research products. Other organizations seeking to work with STAR-CRN or rate the person-centeredness of research could use this webinar as a resource.

Access the resource here.

Non-technical PCORnet Common Data Model Introduction

This slide deck was created by Kellie Walters, MPH, UNC-Chapel Hill, part of the STAR Network, to introduce the PCORnet Common Data Model to patient stakeholders. The slides can be repurposed for any non-technical audience.

Access the resource here.