Recruitment and Retention Strategies for PCORnet Studies: Learnings from INSIGHT CRN

Effective recruitment and retention strategies that are adaptable to the patient population and changing macro-environment are essential to the success of clinical research studies. INSIGHT CRN’s “Recruitment and Retention Strategies for PCORnet Studies” guide offers the most effective strategies we have used to date.

Access the guide here.

Engagement Guidance & Resources for Patient-Centered “Data-Only” Studies

Patient-centered studies require a rightsized stakeholder engagement plan. The STAR CRN provides engagement guidance and resources for data-only studies such as observational, retrospective data abstractions that use EHR data from the sites participating in the STAR CRN. This can include electronic health record data from the STAR CRN Common Data Model (CDM), or from other electronic health record data sources that are being accessed as part of a STAR engaged project.

Access the engagement guide here.

Partnerships & Infrastructure to Support Patient & Stakeholder Engagement: A Scan of PCORnet Practices

This report examines established and emerging engagement activities currently being used by PCORnet networks. Sourced from a literature and document scan and network interviews with key staff and partners, this report captures and categorizes existing engagement activities using an organizing framework to facilitate a deeper understanding of promising engagement activities and lays the foundation for future efforts to assess the quality and effectiveness of specific engagement practices.

Access the scan of PCORnet practices here.

Patient Partner Position Description

In this document, the Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) Clinical Research Network (CRN) describes the roles and scope of a patient-partner consultant. This resource can be used by researchers and other stakeholder groups seeking to hire or contract with a patient partner to review and evaluate projects for patient-centeredness, participate in communication initiatives, prioritize research topics, and partake in other activities to improve stakeholders’ capacity to conduct patient-centered research.

REACHnet is a Network Partner in PCORnet®, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. PCORnet has been developed with funding from PCORI.

Access the resource here.

HERO HCQ Press Release Template

This template was created for study communications professionals as an example of how to create a central press release to share with sites to generate local media coverage for a study in multiple places.

Access the resource here.

HERO Communications Toolkit

This communications toolkit of tips, templates and materials for the HERO OneFlorida hub was compiled to increase awareness about the PCORnet® HERO Research Program and increase enrollment in the HERO Registry. Researchers can use toolkit emails, press releases, videos, flyers and social media content for their own programs as appropriate.

Access the communications toolkit.

PaTH to Health Engagement Paper Highlights

The PaTH to Health Diabetes part of the PaTH Clinical Research Network (CRN) developed this paper to share the importance of engaging Patient Partners in this study.

Access the engagement paper here.

PaTH to Health Just-In-Time Data Analysis Training Part 2

The PaTH Clinical Research Network (CRN) developed this training to understand the importance of statistical tests in explaining study data, to become familiar with some statistical language, such as p values and null hypotheses and to be able to state some outcomes we are examining in the PaTH to Health Diabetes Study.

Access the resource here.

PaTH to Health Just-In-Time Data Analysis Training Part 1

The PaTH Clinical Research Network (CRN) designed this training explaining the benefits and limitations of observational studies, common data issues and how to manage them via the PaTH to Health Diabetes Study.

Access the resource here.