How Common are New Symptoms and Conditions After COVID-19? Results from PCORnet

Summary of the CDC’s research on symptoms experienced more than 4 weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Researchers studied data from electronic health records of 1.8 million adults and 300,000 children from 42 PCORnet network partners.

Access the “Long COVID” Research Summary.

Study Meeting Agenda Template

Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) created this Agenda Template with patient stakeholders’ input for use during study meetings that include stakeholders, such as patients, clinicians, and/or payers, to overcome some common challenges stakeholders face during study-related meetings. This resource can be utilized during all phases of the research process.

Access the resource here.

Evaluation Plan of a Research Study

This Evaluation Plan from the “PCORnet Obesity Observational Research Initiative,” was used to evaluate the different components of the research study. Use it as an example of how to evaluate your own research studies.

Prepared by: John Holmes, PhD, Brie Purcell, MPH, and Beth Syat, MPH

Access the resource here.