PCORnet Focused Data Elements Addition Proposal for Centralized Networks

This document provides a template to request sites to share PCORnet data elements. The guide includes details such as the impact of adding the data element for use in research projects, as well as the implications of each decision to share data.

Access the Data Elements Template here.

Local Studies Standard Operating Procedure

The Local Studies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) can be used for the documentation of the process involved in the intake and management of studies entering through a Clinical Research Network (CRN) Front Door. From the inception of a request to the final close-out of the project, the document provides a detailed account of each stage, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the workflow. This template can also be used for other SOP’s.

Access the Local Studies SOP here.

Clinical Research Collaboration Agreement

Use this PCORnet-approved agreement to speed the contracting process for PCORI-funded studies. This pre-negotiated template agreement can serve as a starting point for prime and site investigator negotiations. The result is time-savings in the contracting process for PCORI-funded studies since sites are already negotiated in advance.

Access the collaboration agreement here.


This form gives investigators and project teams a consolidated view of which sites participating in PCORnet maintain an IRB. It also provides the site Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) number and notates which sites have signed the SMART IRB reliance agreement and registered in the IRB Reliance Exchange (IREx) platform. This site list is updated regularly and eliminates the need for investigators and project teams to search for key information in several different places.

Access the SMART IRB and IREx List here.

Scholars Program Processes and Procedures

The PaTH Scholars Program was established to help researchers gain the skills and confidence needed to lead and participate in multi-site “real-world evidence” studies by mentoring and engaging scholars through hands-on participation alongside experienced PaTH researchers. This resource may be adapted by others wanting to create similar programs.

Access the program resource here.

Rapid and Collaborative Response to COVID-19

Researchers responded rapidly and collaboratively to answer COVID-19 questions by using PCORnet resources including a flexible coordinating center, the PCORnet® Common Data Model, research-ready networks, and existing research studies that pivoted quickly. Researchers can use this resource to demonstrate how the resources of PCORnet can be used for studies that require fast answers.

Access the resource here.

How Common are New Symptoms and Conditions After COVID-19? Results from PCORnet

Summary of the CDC’s research on symptoms experienced more than 4 weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Researchers studied data from electronic health records of 1.8 million adults and 300,000 children from 42 PCORnet network partners.

Access the “Long COVID” Research Summary.

Non-technical PCORnet Common Data Model Introduction

This slide deck was created by Kellie Walters, MPH, UNC-Chapel Hill, part of the STAR Network, to introduce the PCORnet Common Data Model to patient stakeholders. The slides can be repurposed for any non-technical audience.

Access the resource here.