Patient Partner Recruitment & Selection Toolkit

This toolkit includes resources for recruiting and selecting a network patient partner, including a Patient Partner Position Description & Application Instructions and an Interview Guide & Evaluation. The toolkit may be adapted to local context for use by other research networks or consortia seeking to include patients in governance.

Access the toolkit here.

REACHnet’s Presentation Outline for Presenting a Study to Patient Partners

This template gives researchers an outline of content to prepare when presenting a study to patient partners for feedback. While the slide background is specific to Health in Our Hands (HiOH), study teams can adapt their presentation to any group of stakeholders or patient partners.

Access the patient partner presentation.

Patient and Stakeholder Engagement Policy

The Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) Clinical Research Network (CRN) has developed a comprehensive Engagement Policy to advance the mission of PCORI to meaningfully engage patient and other stakeholders in the research process. This document can serve as guidance for stakeholders interested in patient-centered research.

Access the Engagement Policy here.

Research Ready Training Resources for Staff Engagement

Clinical staff seeking to improve engagement in clinic-based research studies and increase their knowledge of basic research principles can use these training materials and best practices for implementing studies in clinical settings and communicating with clinical support staff. Content and format for the resources were informed by both clinic staff and research team members who conduct studies in clinical settings.

Access the resources here.

NORC Data Convenings Webinar: Expanding Social Determinants of Health Data across PCORnetExpanding Social Determinants of Health Data across PCORnet

The webinar discussed opportunities for social determinants of health (SDOH) data within the PCORnet data infrastructure. Objectives included: discussing the current status of SDOH data collection by PCORnet Network Partners; opportunities to optimize accessibility and availability of individual-, population-, and community-based SDOH data to support PCORnet research; and engaging stakeholders on short- and long-term infrastructure priorities to enhance SDOH data capture for network-wide research.

Access the Social Determinants of Health Data across PCORnet resources here.

Patient Partner Position Description

In this document, the Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) Clinical Research Network (CRN) describes the roles and scope of a patient-partner consultant. This resource can be used by researchers and other stakeholder groups seeking to hire or contract with a patient partner to review and evaluate projects for patient-centeredness, participate in communication initiatives, prioritize research topics, and partake in other activities to improve stakeholders’ capacity to conduct patient-centered research.

REACHnet is a Network Partner in PCORnet®, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. PCORnet has been developed with funding from PCORI.

Access the resource here.

REACHnet’s Research Ready: Guide for Engaging Staff in Research Studies

This webinar features the REACHnet Clinical Research Network (CRN) and their Research Ready training program. REACHnet’s Research Ready: Guide for Engaging Staff in Research Studies shares best practices for engaging clinic staff throughout the research process so clinicians can later implement study findings in clinical care settings. Other organizations seeking to work with REACHnet or engage clinicians in research can use this webinar as a resource.

Access the resource here.

Study Meeting Agenda Template

Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) created this Agenda Template with patient stakeholders’ input for use during study meetings that include stakeholders, such as patients, clinicians, and/or payers, to overcome some common challenges stakeholders face during study-related meetings. This resource can be utilized during all phases of the research process.

Access the resource here.

Clinic Staff as a Unique Stakeholder Group in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

Research Action for Health Network (REACHnet) and LPHI discuss the role of clinic staff in patient-centered outcomes research. Through a project funded by the PCORI Eugene Washington Engagement Award, LPHI implemented pragmatic research studies that resulted in a training workbook to help clinic staff better understand the research process and eliminate implicit bias.

Speaker: Daniele Farrisi

Presented: March 19, 2019

Access the resource here.