Comparative Effectiveness of Palliative Surgery vs Additional Anti-Seizure Medications for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Study Updated 03/05/2024 NCT05374824
Study Design: Retrospective Observational
PCORnet Infrastructure: Collaboration, CDM, Engagement
Principal Investigator: Sandi Lam
Site Name: Lurie Children’s Hospital
PCORnet® Network Partner: PEDSnet
Funder: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Funding Date: 2021
Study Duration: 2022 – 2025
Participating Clinical Research Networks: GPC, OneFlorida+, PaTH, PEDSnet, STAR
Therapeutic Area: Neurosciences
Condition: Lennox Gastaut Syndrome
Population: up to 25 Years (Child,  Adult)
Status: Recruiting

Research Question(s):

  1. Which treatment options are most likely to improve important clinical outcomes in my child (or patient) with LGS?
  2. My child has hundreds of seizures a week, and multiple different drugs have failed to get her seizures under control. What is the best possible next step?