May 1, 2023

Aspirin Dosing: A Patient-Centric Trial Assessing Benefits and Long-term (ADAPTABLE)

Study Updated 03/04/2024

Study Website: ADAPTABLE NCT02697916
Study Design: Interventional
PCORnet Infrastructure: Collaboration, CDM (+ supplemental data), Engagement, Single IRB (hybrid)
Principal Investigator: Matt Roe, then William Jones
Site Name: Duke University
PCORnet® Network Partner: STAR
Funder: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Funding Date: 2015
Study Duration: 2016 – 2020
Participating Clinical Research Networks: ADVANCE, GPC, INSIGHT, OneFlorida+, PaTH, REACHnet, STAR
Therapeutic Area: Cardiovascular
Condition: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD)
Population: 18 Years and older (Adult, Older Adult)
Status: Completed

Research Question(s):
Which dose of daily aspirin offers the right balance of effectiveness and minimal risk of bleeding? Can PCORnet be used to find the answer using a clinical trial model wherein patients are drivers of engagement?

Primary Publication(s):
Rationale and Design of the Aspirin Dosing-A Patient-Centric Trial Assessing Benefits and Long-term Effectiveness (ADAPTABLE) Trial
Marquis-Gravel G, Roe MT, Robertson HR, et al. Rationale and design of the apsirin dosing- a patient-centric trial asessing benefits and long-term effectiveness (ADAPTABLE) Trial. JAMA Cardiol, 2020; 5(5): 598-607.

Comparative Effectiveness of Aspirin Dosing in Cardiovascular Disease
Jones WS, Mulder H, Wruck LM, et al. Comparative effectiveness of aspirin dosing in cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med, 2021; 384(21); 1981-1990.