September 29, 2023

16 new sites will expand the diversity of PCORnet®

A differentiator for PCORnet® has always been its ability to capture insights on diverse populations that clinical research studies often miss—and now that diversity is about to get even more robust. PCORI approved funding for the addition of 16 sites to expand the reach of the eight PCORnet® Clinical Research Networks (CRNs), a move that underscores PCORI’s continuing investment in the Network’s growth.

“PCORnet is a go-to resource for researchers who want to study the full fabric of the U.S. population —people from all walks of life, identifying across all racial and ethnic groups, living in all places and circumstances,” said Betsy Shenkman, PCORnet Steering Committee Chair. “This expansion makes the Network’s breadth and depth even more robust, empowering PCORnet users to close more gaps in evidence than was previously possible.”

Data insights from the following 16 sites will be available in spring of 2024.

Expanding the ADVANCE CRN:

Expanding the GPC CRN:

Expanding the INSIGHT CRN:

Expanding the OneFlorida+ CRN:

Expanding the PaTH CRN:

Expanding the PEDSnet CRN:

Expanding the REACHnet CRN:

Expanding the STAR CRN: